
Pre & Post Treatment

Pre and Post Care for Laser Hair Removal and Photofacials


– Avoid sun exposure for 2 weeks before and after your treatment. The use of tanning creams, tanning beds, or bronzers must be discontinued 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after treatments.

– RECENTLY TANNED SKIN CANNOT BE TREATED. This includes tan from tanning beds, creams, and bronzers. And yes, being in the pool counts as sun exposure!

– Avoid electrolysis, tweezing, threading, bleaching, depilatory products, and/or waxing for 4 weeks prior to treatment.

– PLEASE shave the treatment area(s) closely as the day before or day of your appointment.

– If you have a history of herpes, prophylactic antiviral therapy must be started the day before treatment and continued one week after treatment.

– Treatments are not allowed until 14 days after final dose of any antibiotic or photosensitizing medications (Examples: antibiotics, steroids, St. Johns Wort).

– Accutane must be stopped 9 months before laser treatments.

– Over the counter Retin-A, Retinols, Glycolics, Salicylics should be avoided on the treatment area 3 days prior to treatment.

– Prescription strength Retin-A, Retinols, Glycolics, Salicylics should be avoided on the treatment area 2 weeks prior to treatment.

– If Botox is done in a treatment area, you must wait 2 weeks after for treatment. If Filler is done in a treatment area, you must wait 4 weeks after for treatment.

– Laser Hair Removal is not effective on grey, blond, and red hair.


– Immediately after treatment there may be erythema (redness) and edema (swelling) at the treatment site. This usually lasts 2 hours or longer. On rare occasions, the erythema may last up to 10 days. The treatment area may feel like a sunburn for a few hours after the treatment, but it will subside.

– Avoid picking or scratching the treated areas. If a blister or crusting appears, or you have a histamine reaction (itching) please call Ultimate Image. You may need antibiotic ointment or hydrocortisone cream. This is a possibility with any laser treatment.

– Hydrocortisone and sunscreen may be used post-treatment.

– No heat exposure like saunas, steam rooms, jacuzzis, extremely hot showers, car seat warmers or strenuous activities for a minimum of 48-hours post-treatment.


– Avoid sun exposure. You are at risk for hypopigmentation or hyperpigmentation if you do get sun exposure. Wear Sunscreen SPF 50 or higher.

– Avoid exfoliating scrubs or brushes for 24-48 hours post-treatment.

– Avoid electrolysis, tweezing, threading, bleaching, depilatory products, and/or waxing. This can disturb the hair follicle which will affect your treatment outcomes. Shaving is the only option between treatments.

– Up to 2-weeks post-treatment, you may notice hair falling out of the treated areas. This is not new growth; this is your laser treatment working! (Note: You can clean/remove the hair by washing or wiping the area with a wet cloth.)

– Treat your skin gently for at least 24 hours after your treatment.


Schedule  your appointments based on the guidelines below and your hair growth. If  you don’t have any hair growth 5 days prior to your scheduled  appointment, give us a call to reschedule!  

~~ Face (any part), Underarm, Brazilian: 6 to 8 weeks ~~ 

~~ Arm, Legs, Back, Chest, Abs: 8 to 12 weeks ~~ 

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